Thursday 18 July 2019

Making Excuses for Scumbags

Earlier today this tweet reached me.

Bakar is a journalist for MetroUK. 
Faima Bakar's bio reads 'views are my own because no one else wants 'em' and this tweet did cry of that. But I am not against sensationalism if it means drumming up interest, so I decided to check out the article.

The article is loosely in response to this woman.
Image result for licking ice cream and putting it back on the shelf

Her name has not been released and several social media accounts have tried claiming to be this woman. Either way, her stunt is by no way new, but it did go viral, and Bakar's article focuses not on her or her copycats, but the reasons behind why this woman did such a manky thing.

Bakar writes

While it's easy to brush off these 'pranks' as disgusting, asinine acts, it's curious why so many young people are taking part. 

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Bakar's answer may shock you .

Apparently, it's the result of being poor.

Okay, so paraphrasing aside, Bakar writes

Millennials earn less, save less, and invest less than their parents. Getting a fulfilling job is tough and the likelihood of owning property is near non-existent. 

I'm 31, I'm a millennial. I live with my folks, I don't have a car, full time employment is but a dream, and I don't have half the luxuries the previous generation had growing up.

But do you know what I don't do?

Lick ice-cream I ain't paid for.

Image result for fighting over icecream

Bakar asks if these law-breaking teens could be making political and social commentary with their acts?

I look back to my nan's generation, living through the second world war and doing her best to maintain what she could of her childhood.

It was just the other day my sweet grandmother told me a story of she and her friends, popping into a local grocers, and rubbing apples they hadn't paid for across the cracks of their arses. She held her head high and said 'that was my part to play in political commentary'.

Oh wait, no she didn't. I'm getting that story confused with a local crackhead who was just banned from a local Asdas.

What my nan did, and what her generation are famed for during that hellish time, was pulling together, sticking in school, getting jobs at fourteen and working hard for their luxuries, to rebuild this nation and to fight for a future that these criminal teens are fucking around with today.

Image result for but wait, theres more

But remember, she's a black teenager. So what would a post about a black person in America be if it went without the race card?

Bakar is quick to point out that this teen's actions were met with a barrage of anger from the public, and that the teen could've faced 20 years in prison before authorities found out she was seventeen years old. Bakar has exception to this, saying

"Would accused white people have faced the same severe response?" 

I wonder, what would Bakar's response have been if a 21 year old Trump supporter had done this act, and not a young woman of colour? Would it have been down to rocketing apartment rates, low savings, and his race then? Would she have thrown her hand on that grenade to save the young man from a barrage of anger demanding this man get life and direct discourse towards impeaching Trump?

That would be an article I'd be interested in reading.

                                       Image result for trump holding ice cream

In closing, I want to stress that my anger isn't directed to the idiots licking unpaid goods. As Bakar writes, 'civil disobedience' isn't anything new (though I think Bakar should get a few good warm ups in before she tries a stretch like that again). No, my anger is actually for this god awful, virtue signalling, white shaming, criminal excusing sorry state of an article.

Is America that far gone that they're looking to make criminal acts done by PoC into righteous activities executed by our warrior youths?

We should not be making excuses for disgusting acts. We should not be making excuses for criminals.

Some people have to fight back, some have to break the law, and we must take note, but that doesn't stop consequences from being had, and it certainly should not be excused away by articles like this.

I encourage you all to have a read of Bakar's Article and to find me on twitter @DangelAngello

Thanks for reading

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